Tuesday, September 16, 2014


All day ive felt the nawing of acid building in my stomach, and reaching up to the back of throat.   Top that off with having to get up at 430 and having to say goodbye to a very dear friend, it certainly has been a trying day.
I thought perhaps things were going to be getting better since bedtime was nearing for both the children and myself, when out of no where I had a shooting then radiating pain go through my chest. 
Its impossible not to panic with something like that.  Now my heart is pounding...always pounding.   Why is it always pounding?   Why is so desperate to escape.  I thought we were suppose to on the same page, but it seems its in there just waiting to do me in.  How will I ever improve my physical well being if I can't improve my mental well being. 
Either way I'm glad I'm not alone tonight, as I'm waiting for the cardiac episode that is surely is on its way.

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